(709) 753 7286 *** IMPORTANT Notice re Sunday Gatherings (see Notices and News) *** office@gowerunited.com

Gower Street United Church Welcomes You with

Open hearts • Open minds • Open arms

| 99 Queens Road, St. John’s, NL, Canada|

New Here? ... Send us a noteSpecial Events

Sunday Services

Gower Street United Church is a safe place for all people to worship regardless of race, creed, age, ability, cultural background, or sexual orientation.

Worship services are held every Sunday at 11:00 am.


All are welcome. Please join us for our Sunday worship. Sign our visitor’s book. Join us in the Lecture Hall for refreshments & conversation after the service. 

Family, Youth & Children

We believe that our youth come first!  We include children in as many aspects of congregational life as possible.

  • Sunday School
  • Family Ministry
  • Confirmation

Our Vision

The people of Gower Street United Church are ….

… committed to doing right by Jesus’ teachings: loving, serving, giving generously in our local, regional and global communities. We envision a vibrant and evolving community where tradition is honoured, change is embraced and injustice is challenged.

Gower is a confirmed Affirming Ministry by the United Church of Canada.

We are dedicated to being welcoming and affirming, engaging participation of all, including people of any age, colour, race, ethnicity, faith, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, marital status, family composition and social or economic circumstances.

This Week At Gower

Office Hours:
Wednesday and Thursday from 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Sunday Worships:
June 30: 6th Sunday after Pentecost, Remembering Beaumont Hamel, Celebrating Canada Day
July 7: 7th Sunday after Pentecost

 Weekly Activities:
Thursday, June 27: Pause for Prayer online at 4:30 p.m.

Notices and News

Bulletin Dedications: The Worship and Sacraments Committee would like to thank all those who have dedicated a bulletin so far this year in memory or celebration of loved ones. Your gifts help us remember and celebrate with you. If you wish to dedicate a bulletin on any Sunday in memory of a loved one, in celebration of a significant event, or in celebration of a life's milestone, please contact the office, via email (gsuc@nl.rogers.com) or phone 709-753-7286 ext. 200.

360 Virtual Tour of Gower's Sanctuary can be viewed Here

Rent Space

Gower has several spaces of various sizes including the sanctuary, meeting rooms, lecture hall and kitchen that are available for rent.

Select this panel for details.