Thank you for visiting this page! We hope that you will find the time to return for future visits.
First, a few ideas about stewardship in general:
Stewardship is:
– How we live our life daily, including offering our gifts
– Partnership with God and others to change the world
– Spiritual practices that help us grow our faith and our generosity
By sharing freely the talents, time and resources that God has given us, we help to carry out God’s mission, and Gower’s mission of Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Arms.
Sounds like a lot, doesn’t it! So here is a visual that we return to frequently to help keep us on track, when the cares of the world seem to overwhelm us.
To contact the Stewardship Committee, email Chair at or call the office 709-753-7286.
If you are not a consistent donor to Gower’s mission, we invite you to click on the DONATE button below. You will be taken to a separate page that offers details of various ways to support Gower. We look forward to your joining us again!
The Stewardship Committee, Gower Street United Church