Gower United Church is an open and welcoming place for all. There are many ways to belong at Gower - join us for a service, sing with our choirs, volunteer with a group, rent our space for your own events, and more. Give OnlineVolunteer Some TimeSunday Worship
Sundays @ 11:00am
Visitors are always welcome at Gower and are encouraged to make themselves known to greeters, ushers, people sitting near them, and/or ministers, and to sign the guest book on the table in the vestibule.
Our Music
Join one of our choirs, play an instrument and join the non-denominational Community Band, share in our concerts, rent our facilities or simply help with an event.
Youth Group
Gower now has a Minister of Children, Youth and Young Families. Expect more details on programs coming this fall.
Gower Service and Social Club (formally the Men’s Club)
The Gower Street United Church Men’s Club has a long history of fellowship and fun with a mandate of contributing their time and talents to support the values and goals of Gower Street United Church. To be more equitable and inclusive, we have changed our name to Gower Service and Social Club and truly welcome new members regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, faith, marital status and social and economic circumstances. Membership shall be open to any member of, or adherent to, or supporter of Gower Street United Church or to any other interested person who desires to participate and to help support the Club. Anyone interested in good food, lively discussion of current affairs, fellowship and service is invited to contact President Bert Riggs
United Church Women – UCW
The UCW is part of the United Church of Canada with an active, local group at Gower United. It is a group of women of all ages that meet monthly for fellowship, and to discuss and plan their annual projects.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Ministry, a ministry of compassion and healing.
Anyone can join!
Outreach & Community
At Gower, we aim to serve everyone in our community, not just those who are members of our church. As a downtown congregation, we are particularly aware of the needs of the vulnerable members of our community …
Pastoral Care – Visitations
Jesus commanded us to ‘love one another’ and to care for those who are in special need.
Our clergy and members of the Pastoral Care Committee reach out to our seniors and shut-ins and those in the difficult times of life, like ill health or loss or bereavement. As well, our Men’s and Women’s groups provide regular worship services at local care homes. We all need a friend in life’s journey sometimes.
Other Groups
Other active groups include:
- Heritage and Archives
- Communication
- Worship and Ministry
- Stewardship