Our Ministry
Pancake Supper: Tickets are on sale now for our Pancake Supper on Tuesday, March 4, 2025. Join us for pancakes, sausages, and fruit. Payment of cash, cheque or transfer required to get tickets.
Lenten Pauses: Throughout Lent, the Ministry Team will offer a time of scripture, reflection, music, and prayer online weekly. These pauses are inspired by The Hardest Part, a Group guide from The Everything Happens Project and Kate Bowler. These videos will be posted on Gower’s YouTube Channel at 10:00 a.m. on Fridays throughout Lent. The first video will be posted on March 14th.
Bless this Lent: Join Rev. Rebecca to explore using The Hardest Part during this season of Lent. Kate Bowler and her team at Everything Happens Project offer this study. Together, we will embrace Lent as it is—raw, honest, and tender. This is the season that asks us to stop pretending we’re holding it all together. It’s a time to pause, sit with what’s fragile and unfinished, and let God meet us in the hardest parts of our lives. Thursday evenings, starting on Thursday, March 6th, at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom. Contact Rev. Rebecca for the Zoom link.
Stella’s Circle Pancake Breakfast for Homelessness is Tuesday, March 4 in the Lecture Hall from 7:00-10:30 am for a delicious pancake breakfast by our Stella's Brasserie to support Stella’s housing programs and services.
ENGAGEMENT: Whose team are you on? Your stewardship team, for once, is not asking for money! Instead, we are asking you to increase your engagement with our faith community. By volunteering for at least one of Gower’s teams. We will hand out a brief outline of each team’s purpose and the commitment involved, ahead of an “Engagement Expo” to be held during coffee hour after the service on the 16th of March. Team leaders will be available in the Lecture Hall to answer your questions and, when you decide which team to join, take your contact details. Please, consider prayerfully how you can contribute to the ministry of our faith community!
Coffee Time Discussion: Join us on March 9th, following worship during coffee time as we continue to discern our vision and dreams for Gower, with thoughts from the board regarding a strategic plan development in response to the ending of Vision 2025.
Confirmation Classes: Confirmation is an opportunity for individuals previously baptized to renew the vows made on their behalf in Baptism. Often, this takes place around the age of 12 or when an individual feels they can take on the vows for themselves. Based on interest at Gower, we offer separate confirmation classes for youth and adults.
At services of confirmation, opportunity is also given to those who may wish to transfer their membership from another congregation within the United Church of Canada or from other Christian denominations.
Opportunity is also given to those who have felt a particular calling of God in their life, perhaps in response to specific life experiences, when returning to active participation in a congregation after a period of distance, or simply by having their "hearts strangely warmed" and have experienced an awakening to a deeper understanding of the promises made in their baptism for the Reaffirmation of their Baptismal Vows. This process is sometimes called the "Profession of Faith."
Email Rev. Rebecca if you are interested in Confirmation Classes, Profession of Faith or Membership transfer or if you’d like more information.
Broadview 100th Anniversary Keepsake Issue: The June issue of Broadview will be a historic keepsake edition celebrating the United Church’s 100th anniversary — a once-in-a-lifetime issue filled with powerful stories, pivotal moments and reflections on the past, present and future of the church. For the first time ever, you can pre-order additional copies. If you are interested in being part of a bulk order from Gower for this special issue, contact SuAn in the office before March 30th, 2025. Cost per issue will range between $7.00 to $4.00 depending on the amount of people interested in ordering.
Bulletin Dedications: The Worship and Sacraments Committee invites members of our faith community to help with the cost of printing weekly bulletins. It costs us approximately $12.00 to have color-printed bulletin covers. You may dedicate a bulletin of any Sunday in memory of a loved one, in celebration of a significant event, or in celebration of a life's milestone. The name of Memoriam/Celebration/Milestone and Donor will appear in the bulletin on the specified Sunday. Please forward any donations to the church office and contact SuAn, the office administrator, during office hours on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. via email (gsuc@nl.rogers.com) or phone 709-753-7286 ext. 200.
Ways to maintain your financial support of our church, there are a few options available:
- Sign up for PAR (Pre Authorized Contributions), or if you are already on PAR, then maybe consider increasing your contribution. This can be done by calling the office (709-753-7286) or by email (office@gowerunited.com)
- You can also click the donate button above
- We also accept e-transfer. Just send it to gsuc@nl.rogers.com
- You may also send a cheque via mail or drop it in the dropbox accessible to the right of the office entrance. Our mailing address is 99 Queens Road, St. John's, NL, A1C 6M6..