(709) 753 7286 *** IMPORTANT Notice re Sunday Gatherings (see Notices and News) *** office@gowerunited.com

Upcoming Youth Meetings and Events.

Youth Group Meetings:
Gower Youth meets bi-weekly from 5:00 -7:00 p.m. Meetings include dinner, open to youth in grades 7+
Winter Dates
February 11
February 25
March 11
March 25

Gower Learners:
Gower Learners weekly during our 11:00 a.m. worship. All ages are welcome at Gower Learners.
It is at time of faith exploration and activity. Contact Rev. Rebecca for more information.

Family Events:
Team Gower - Coldest Night of the Year: We are investing some of our time in fundraisings for the Coldest Night of the Year in support of Choices for Youth. Consider joining our team - Gower Street United Church, and walk with us on Saturday, February 22. The Coldest Night of the Year is a walk that raises money for folks in our community who need our help. Some of them are hungry, more than a few are hurting, and regrettably, some are homeless too. Click here (https://cnoy.w-ith.me/GowerStreetUnited) join or donate to support the team.

Sock it to Ya Sunday: It’s time for the sixth annual Sock it to Ya Sunday! We are collecting socks to donate to Choices for Youth. We celebrate Sock it to Ya during worship on Sunday, February 23. You can drop socks off at the church during office hours or bring them to worship any Sunday in February! Socks are the least donated items but one of the most needed.

Gower Young Peoples Choir:
Practices for the Gower Young Peoples Choir take place during the 11:00 a.m. worship weekly.

Gower Handbell Choir:
Practices take place on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.
To learn more, contact Dana Collins.